A new update to MEC is available!
- Deposit Invoices
- In Jobs, there is new option in the View/Send Invoice popup that lets you create a “Deposit Invoice”
- You are able to put any value into the amunt being requested
- The invoice that is sent is flagged as a “Deposit Invoice”
- You can record payments received in the “Payments” page
- Milestone Payment Invoices
- In Jobs, there is new option in the View/Send Invoice popup that lets you create a “Milestone Payment Invoice”
- You are able to put any value into the amount being requested
- The invoice that is sent is flagged as a “Milestone Invoice”
- You can record payments received in the “Payments” page
- Change Orders
- The process to do Change Orders has been streamlined
- Creating a Change Order from the Estimate section has been removed
- You can now only create a CO directly from the Actions dropdown in Jobs.
- Choose “Create CO” action
- You can email the CO from the “View/Send CO” option in the Actions dropdown
- Mobile – Files View
- Staff can now view the “Files” tab in Jobs
- If the file has permission for them to view the itenm, the item will be be shown to them