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No Contract. Cancel Anytime.

* Only available in USA and Canada


Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to questions we are often asked.

How fast can you get me setup?

The system you get runs on your own private database and requires custom settings to give you the best experience.  Because of this it typically take 24 hours to get your custome version up and running.

How long is the Free Trial?

Typically 14 days, however, we’ll be happy to extend this time should you need it.

What is a MEC User?

A MEC user is anyone who needs to log into MEC Pro.  Each additional MEC User  beyond your plan limit costs $10 pm.

How to Succeed?

The key to your success is allocating time to learn the system and adjust it to be a perfect fit.   With busy schedules that can be difficult, we know, and is the reason you will get access to our library of training videos to help maximize your time!

Do you do training?

Absolutely.  We want you to succeed so will happily setup as many Zoom meetings as you need to get comfortable.